// U P D A T E S The New Hope FOR Families first annual Love Gala, hosted on November 09, 2019 was a wonderful blessing for all involved! With over 135 guests in attendance, we raised over $32,000 used to further the roof repair, keep the heat on, continue renovations at our New Hope Community Center, and meet various needs for foster families! Since our last New Hope News, we were able to help supply + coordinate gifts for 6 foster families at Christmas time. Through the Christmas Eve offerings of Anchor Point Community Church, we were gifted with $6,332.10 also used to help support our foster families! To date, we have been able to speak at five local churches, a Rotary Club, St. Scholastica, and have provided homes for 51 foster children. We launched our New Hope Foster Mom's support group with 10 moms able to join us and we look forward to meeting once a month. We anticipate the grand opening of the New Hope child care center early spring of this year. Please watch our social media + website for the specific opening date.
// N E E D S > Foster families > Foster Family sponsorships > Daycare scholarships > Electricians > Carpenters > Plumbers > Laptops > Flooring If you have any of the above skills or abilities to help repair + update kitchen, re-carpet sanctuary, update bathrooms, please reach out to us!
Committee members gathered the morning of Saturday, November 09 at Northland Country Club to set up for our first annual Love Gala fundraiser.

Heather + Chase Honer, New Hope foster parents are shown standing in front of the van they were able to purchase thanks to the funds gifted to New Hope by the Anchor Point Church Community. This allowed the Honer's to add 2 more foster children to their home with a grand total of 5 foster children today! Stay posted for their story on our website.
