// Updates from Trees of Hope As 2020 comes to a close tonight, we would like to share some last updates from this year! First of all, the New Hope team would like to give a huge thank you to WDIO and HOM Furniture for allowing us to partner with them and raise awareness for our cause. You can find the stories from WDIO on their website by clicking the link below!
Trees of Hope Charity Drive | www.WDIO.comWDIO News helps promote 4 charities: MN Adult & Teen Challenge, Second Harvest Food Bank, MN Ovarian Cancer Alliance, Arthritis Foundation
On the tech-y side of things, website views are up 207% from last month with significant spikes on the first and last days of the Trees of Hope campaign. 55% of those views were from new visitors to our site with 136 clicks on our link from the WDIO site.

Therese and a group of New Hope volunteers manned the phones for Trees of Hope, raising over $7,000 for our organization!
Another huge thank you to Essentia Surgical Services, who donated gifts for two families! Throughout the holiday season, we have received generous donations of meals and Christmas gifts for the children and families we serve, as well as gift cards for Target and Super One.
Thank you to every one of our community members who have donated money, gifts, time, and prayers to support New Hope For Families this year. Every little bit helps to support our cause and continue reaching to the most vulnerable in our community.
Our prayers have been answered to find a new home for one of our foster families! Thanks to the generosity of a local landlord, a rental property has been made available at a reduced cost through spring 2021.
As we say goodbye to the difficult, yet rewarding year of 2020, Let us all look forward to the new year with hope and anticipation of the possibilities in store!
God bless!
New Hope For Families Team