// New Hope Family
Your support helps foster families that care for our most vulnerable. Your donations purchase items foster families need: diapers, formula, bedding, shoes, even vehicles, gas, childcare, housing costs, & helps put food on the table.
Fostering is a calling. If you have a heart for kids in need, connect with New Hope- we will match your gifts with a part of the circle of love that the New Hope Community has developed.
We like to say that there are many ways you can get involved:
You can adopt- if not called to adopt,
You can foster- if not called to foster,
you can provide respite childcare for an adoptive or foster family.
If not called to childcare,
You can run errands, do laundry, buy gas, buy a cup of coffee,
and PRAY!
There are many ways to give to hurting children through the New Hope for Families Community. Your donations help us provide for foster families and support our beautiful community center where foster families and friends gather for trainings, fellowship, family time, play groups, mom's groups, tutoring, and free shopping at our Kid's Closet.
As the WDIO Trees of Hope campaign comes to a close, as well as 2020, please consider making a year-end donation to help us in continuing to provide for children and families in need.
Blessings from New Hope for Families